Get answers NOW as to why you might be feeling tired!
(Read to the end)
Most people assume that their tiredness is simply down to a lack of sleep or because they are too busy and have too much to do, but there are other components that could be instrumental in your lack of energy. Are you feeling tired today? Could you have done with an extra hour in bed? If you answered any of those “yes”, then read on, as some useful tips may help you to start feeling better and getting more out of your day!
Tiredness can be a medical condition related to many different diseases. It’s important to understand why you are getting tired and what to do about it now. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Seeing a specialist who can help you understand your tiredness can really make the difference in your life. We have helped many people who suffer from tiredness and we have a wide network of people in the UK and in other countries that can help diagnose your condition and get to the source of why you are feeling tired.
Below you will find some key ways in which you can make a difference to your tiredness…starting today!
Here are the top 5 major causes of tiredness
Anaemia is one of the most common types of diseases which can cause tiredness. There are several forms of anaemia which result from the lack of something in your blood essentially or a problem with your blood. The main forms of anaemia are iron-deficiency anaemia, pernicious anaemia, folic acid deficiency anaemia, sickle cell anaemia, aplastic anaemia and polycythaemia vera. There are many different symptoms related to these different forms of anaemia which should be watched out for. Seeing a specialist who can diagnose these symptoms is vital and should form the basis of a good health screen. Symptoms to watch out for with
Seeing a specialist who can diagnose these symptoms is vital and should form the basis of a good health screen. Symptoms to watch out for with anaemia are breathlessness, tiredness, fatigue, lethargy, weakness, memory lapses, loss of concentration, irritability, paleness, headache, rapid heart rate, jaundice or cold extremities. If you have any of those symptoms you should speak to someone with a possibility of getting this looked at. Anaemia can go undiagnosed for a long time and is a significant cause of illness in the population.
Depression is often thought of as a psychological disorder but there are often physical symptoms associated with depression, one of them being tiredness. People who have depression often suffer from fatigue, feeling down, loss of appetite, or headaches. Along with anaemia this is a very common form of tiredness which is often overlooked in the general population. There are key people that can help you if you need advice on this and getting in touch with the right people can make a huge difference in your life.
Underactive Thyroid
Thyroid disease is a common cause of tiredness in the population.
The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland which sits on the front of the throat region and is responsible for releasing the hormone thyroxine directly into the bloodstream. Thyroid hormone is responsible for the regulation of some very important processes in the body. Tiredness results when there is not enough thyroid hormone circulating in the body. If detected early enough this condition can be treated. Seeing the right person can help with the early diagnosis and treatment of most people. If you think you suffer from thyroid disease the main symptoms to look out for including tiredness are changes to your hair and nails, changes to your skin and complexion, hair falling out (alopecia). Iodine in the diet is largely considered important when considering thyroid disease. Iodine is transported with sodium through a co-transporter into the thyroid gland, where the molecules are incorporated into thyroxine or tri-iodothyronine (T4 and T3). These are chemically different and function at different sites at different strengths, T3 being the stronger acting of the two.
Dehydration is a major contributor to tiredness in the adult population.
Not drinking enough water can contribute significantly to tiredness mainly due to the importance of water in your body. Almost all chemical reactions in the body that produce energy are H20 dependent or utilise water in one way or another. By having a reduced water intake you cannot only suffer from tiredness but you will suffer from reduced mental capacity and excessive thirst. Your body is trying to tell you to do something about it.
There is a simple solution, drink more water. However, most foods contain water, especially fruit and vegetables. These forms of fluid also count towards your water intake and thus should form part of a balanced diet.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue is certainly a condition that is on everyone’s mind when it comes to tiredness.
The condition is diagnosed in those men and women suffering from extreme tiredness lasting more than 6 months. It is a medical diagnosis and there are some key facts that are looked for when this is diagnosed.
The tiredness is not noticeably relieved by rest, it is not associated with any other disease and it is not due to ongoing external states.
The disease also has other names and can often be called these too (post-viral fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome. There have been some suggested triggers and causes for CF but none have been completely implicated in the disease.
All in all a very debilitating disease should be diagnosed by a medical practitioner.
Here are 5 amazingly simple ways you can help yourself if you are suffering from tiredness.
We all know that advice is easier to give than to take, so if making all these changes in one go is difficult for you, why not introduce these changes into your life in stages? I’m sure that gradually you will start to feel less tired and have more energy to focus on all the things you want to do and help you to install a Perfect Balance into your life!
For more information about Tiredness
If you would like additional information about this or to discuss how we may be able to help with your queries please contact us using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.