Deep Tissue Massage: Advice Sheet
Are you tired? Feel more awake in 5 easy steps!
Get answers NOW as to why you might be feeling tired! (Read to the end) Most people assume that their tiredness is simply down to a lack of sleep or because they are too busy and have too much to do, but there are
Are you wearing the correct sports bra?
David Lloyd, Health Awareness September 2010
Last night Perfect Balance Clinic co-hosted the first-ever David Lloyd Hatfield, club Health Awareness evening. The night was a collaboration of all the service providers within the Hatfield (flagship) club, including The Havon Beauty Salon and the personal trainers who are based within the club.
Shoulder Impingement – Symptoms and Advice
Shoulder Impingement includes a group of conditions (also known as trapped tendons, tendonitis, and bursitis) where one of these structures becomes squashed between the bones in the shoulder that then becomes inflamed and painful. Shoulder Impingement: About your shoulder The shoulder joint is a
Hip Flexor Stretch: A Simple Exercise to Ease Pain in the Hips and Lower Back
Grapefruit and its miraculous benefits
Functional Movement
What is functional? At Perfect Balance Clinic, we talk a lot about function and functional movements, but what do we mean? You can walk into any gym and no doubt there will be an instructor talking about how a certain movement is functional, but it