Stretch It Out: A Runner’s Guide to Stretching
Sciatica and Stretching: Your Guide to Non-Invasive Relief
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a type of hands on manual therapy, which may involve gentle mobilisations or manipulations (joint clicking) of joints and massage techniques to help relax or stretch muscles, in order to help restore normal function to the musculoskeletal system.
Hip Impingement
Side of hip pain – Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
The greater trochanter is the bony prominence at the widest part of the hip. There is a bursa that protects the muscles and tendons that pass this boney area. This can become inflamed and cause pain over the general area of the outside of the
Back stretches that ease stiffness and increase flexibility
If you’ve been struggling with a tight back then this blog is for you. Here are a few top tips and movements that you can do to reduce the stiffness and increase flexibility.
Tennis Elbow
Start improving your hair thickness with these 5 vitamins today
Beauty comes from within, and as much as our internal organs require nutrients to function, so does our hair! The majority of our diet affects the way we look and feel, so if you want to boost the condition of your hair, then take a
Foam Rolling
Got a foam roller at home? Do you know how to use it? Or do you even use it at all? Well, if these questions have you thinking, then keep reading for some top tips on how to use your foam roller.