Our nutritionist Steve Grant explains there are a few things that he would do to support recovery.
Bone up is a decent product or Bone Matrix which he finds to be a little better. The dose is 2 tablets 3 x per day during recovery. If you have bone available then you may just choose to use that one for now. Bone broth is great because of the specific proteins found within it and collagen content. Here is a recipe provided by Steve Grant. You can also get a good collagen supplement if making broth is not your thing. A good brand is Great Lakes Hydrolysed Collagen (Green tub), search on Amazon as this is generally the best place to buy that product. 3 tbsps per day mixed in water or can be added to smoothies/food.
You can also get a good collagen supplement if making broth is not your thing. A good brand is Great Lakes Hydrolysed Collagen (Green tub), search on Amazon as this is generally the best place to buy that product. 3 tbsps per day mixed in water or can be added to smoothies/food.
Most important is keeping caloric intake high to support recovery and try to reduce inflammation A good natural anti-inflammatory is turmeric. Check out this turmeric milk recipe that Steve Grant has produced. Add black pepper to the above recipe to help the anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric for better absorption and to have a more systemic anti-inflammatory effect.
Other good natural anti-inflammatories are omega 3 fish oils, in particular, the EPA content. A supplement may be useful or an emphasis on the consumption of oily fish. The other thing to keep high is vitamin C. This supports the formation of collagen which can help with bone repair. Think about different colour fruit and veg. A supplement may be useful but if you have a consistently colourful diet if may not be required.
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