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What Is Tennis Elbow And How To Treat It


Who is most likely to benefit from this article? This article is suitable for anybody that has been diagnosed with Tennis Elbow or has been experiencing pain around the arm area. This article contains background information about the condition and how to treat the symptoms at home, following guidance from a medical professional where applicable.

Do you or have you ever suffered from Tennis Elbow pain? This is an important article that could make the world of difference to you.

“Tennis elbow may be caused by activities not related to sports, like painting, using a computer mouse, food preparation and plumbing”

With tennis elbow, if it’s not addressed by an experienced professional then here are some potential worst-case scenarios.

If left without intervention by a passionate practitioner who lives and breathes it, then tennis elbow pain usually gets worse, it recurs again and again with further deterioration each time, treatment takes longer and gets more expensive, and in severe cases, the effects cannot be reversed. The worst case is that you are offered surgery to resolve this. Let’s not let it get that far.

Here are 3 things that can happen if Tennis Elbow is not treated correctly:

  1. If not diagnosed correctly Tennis elbow can progress and often becomes quite painful with an aching sensation that will affect the function of your hand and wrist. The net effect of this is that people tend not to use the wrist and elbow and avoid doing anything this often leads to more issues as the arms get weaker, tendons degenerate more rapidly and results in a vicious cycle of issues.
  2. The soreness can spread and affect the arm and shoulder as well as the wrist joint. Once this starts to happen coupled with the weakness at the elbow we end up seeing people who may also have wrist and shoulder issues due to these changes.
  3. Function becomes very reduced and grip strength will be severely reduced. Once the person stops using it they can often end up with the more permanent loss of strength and as such don’t get a choice if they can use this or not they are forced to not use it at all as they just don’t have the strength there.

When you see an expert, someone who lives and breathes treating and improving Tennis Elbow conditions, you’ll be in the right hands so that you can get rapid, lasting relief of pain and get back to enjoying your life of activity and being more you.

Here are 3 things that you should start to see once your Tennis Elbow is treated correctly:

  1. Correct diagnosis so we are able to treat it effectively. Once we have the correct diagnosis we are able to deliver the best treatment. This one thing alone accounts for about 80-90% of cases we see where the condition just has not been diagnosed properly. There are over 15 causes of pain in the elbow region many of which will not respond to conventional tennis elbow treatment so you can see why it is imperative to start with a clear diagnosis.
  2. Exercises to help prevent recurrence and increase strength. The next stage for us is to provide key exercises including looking at your wrist, shoulder and neck region to ensure we hit this on the head quickly and snub out the cycle of issues that can result from weakness and not using the arm
  3. Pain management to stop the issue deteriorating and resolve it once and for all. If the arm is painful pain management can help to alleviate some of the conditions whilst the exercises take shape, this comes in many shapes and sizes and is specific to the condition being treated in that individual.
  4.  I’m tired of seeing people who try everything available on the internet instead of seeing a health professional this often leads to longer-term pain as the issue is not diagnosed correctly first?

If you’ve ever wanted to get away from your Tennis Elbow problem then keep reading, these next golden nuggets might just change your life.

Here is a video created by our specialist on the subject. We have the team here to help you

If this resonated with you then…

Take advantage of our ‘Tennis Elbow Termination’ sessions. Designed to give you the support you need with your condition and get you started on your road to recovery. Find very quick and effective results!

This article was written by our team of specialist therapists at Perfect Balance Clinic. If you would like more specific advice about how our team can help you with this condition or symptoms you may be having, please complete the contact form below and one of the team will get back to you shortly.

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